The WEF is meeting next week, California is trying to put masks back on our children and there's a genocide being perpetrated by our country's closest ally. Are you being paid to write this drivel instead of actual journalism? If you genuinely believed that this person was a pedophile and orphan murderer (LOL) why did you sit on this information for months (years?) instead of calling the police?And even now you share what you claim is evidence of gross sex crimes and murder on a Substack that no one reads. Doesn't add up. Get back to the real work PLEASE

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You're losing me here. A simple explanation as to why Riley Vuyovich "no longer" has any articles on The Defender could be that she isn't a journalist at The Defender? I don't believe she has ever written any articles at CHD. Lazy reporting.

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What is your agenda here? Interesting you are using an image of Alice in Wonderland when Lewis Carroll was a known pedophile. Are U the pedophile? Maybe U should be fired.

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Don't you have anything better to do... CHD doesn't need your childish attempts at creating issues where there aren't any. They're handling it. What more do you want? Do you really think that crapping more in their direction does anything good for anyone? For everything they're doing and have done, have some fn respect. You definitely lost mine after the way you handled this information. It's shameful.

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Why is everyone save Kay being so mean spirited about Cindy’s exposing Riley? Riley in her adult conscientiousness Kept those vile wicked posts up knowing that they were going to be discovered at some point. Why would she do that? The homosexual agenda is only all about death to children. Say whatever you want it is. As a homosexual she should never have been allowed to work for CHD. I know many of their staff and it was grueling being vetted for a job there. Riley was part of their vetting. Many of the CHD staff see medical autonomy And the Sanctity of Life as two sides of the same coin. She should be fired and replaced with those kind of individuals.

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"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster..."


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